ASL Sign Language Dictionary

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How to sign: cause to change; make different; cause a transformation
"The advent of the automobile may have altered the growth pattern of the city"; "The discussion has changed my thinking about the issue";

alter in ASL Watch how to sign alter in American Sign Language
alter - SignLanguageStudent
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alter in ASL Watch how to sign alter in American Sign Language
alter - ASL Search More details
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Alter in ASL Watch how to sign Alter in American Sign Language
Alter - ASL Study
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Similiar / Same: change, modify

Within this category: acerbate, acetylate, achromatize, activate, activate, activate, activate, adjust, affect, affect, age, alchemize, alcoholize, alkalinize, allegorize, alter, Americanize, anglicize, angulate, animize, antiquate, antique, archaize, arterialize, ash, assimilate, automatize, automatize, awaken, barb, barb, barbarize, bestialize, better, blind, blister, blunt, blur, blur, boil, break, break down, brighten, bring, bring, brutalize, calcify, camp, capture, cause to sleep, centralize, change intensity, change taste, charge, charge, chasten, check, circularize, civilize, clarify, classicize, clean, clear, clot, coarsen, coarsen, cohere, color, commercialize, communize, commute, complicate, complicate, condense, confuse, confuse, constitutionalize, contaminate, conventionalize, convert, convert, convert, cook, cool, corrupt, counterchange, crack, cry, customize, damage, darken, de-emphasize, deaden, deaden, deaminate, decarboxylate, decentralize, decimalize, decorate, decrease, decrepitate, deflate, deform, dehydrogenate, demagnetize, demist, democratize, demonize, demulsify, demythologize, denationalize, denaturalize, denaturalize, denature, denature, denature, deodorize, depersonalize, depolarize, desensitize, desensitize, destabilize, detransitivize, devalue, develop, develop, devilize, digitize, dinge, dirty, disable, discolor, disintegrate, disorder, disqualify, dissimilate, dissolve, dissolve, dissonate, diversify, dizzy, domesticate, dope, draw, dry, dull, dull, dynamize, dynamize, ease up, edit, edit, empty, emulsify, enable, end, equal, estrange, etherealize, etiolate, etiolate, Europeanize, Europeanize, evaporate, even, excite, excite, extend, exteriorize, fatten, feminize, fertilize, fill, flatten, flocculate, form, freeze, Frenchify, full, gelatinize, glamorize, glorify, habituate, harmonize, harshen, heat, hue, humanize, humble, hydrogenate, immaterialize, immortalize, inactivate, incandesce, increase, indispose, industrialize, inflate, inform, inseminate, insulate, intensify, internationalize, introvert, invalidate, invert, invert, iodinate, ionate, Islamize, isomerize, laicize, legitimate, lend, liberalize, lift, liquefy, loosen, loosen, louden, lower, lubricate, magnetize, make, make, make, make possible, mark, masculinize, masculinize, mechanize, mechanize, militarize, militarize, mince, mix, morph, muddy, mythologize, nationalize, nationalize, naturalize, naturalize, Nazify, neutralize, neutralize, nick, normalize, obfuscate, obscure, obscure, occidentalize, officialize, opacify, opalize, opsonize, orientalize, ossify, outmode, oxidize, oxygenize, paganize, pall, parallel, patent, personalize, plasticize, poison, polarize, politicize, professionalize, proof, prostrate, purify, put, rarefy, rarefy, rationalize, recombine, recommend, reconstruct, refine, reflate, reform, refresh, relax, remodel, restore, revolutionize, right, right, ripen, romanticize, round off, rusticate, sanitize, saponify, saturate, sauce, schematize, scramble, sensitize, sensitize, sensitize, sentimentalize, set, sexualize, shake, shallow, shape, sharpen, sharpen, shift, shorten, simplify, slenderize, smut, sober, socialize, soften, solemnize, solvate, spice, spike, sputter, stabilize, stain, steepen, stiffen, still, straighten, strengthen, string, suburbanize, supercharge, supple, suspend, suspend, sweeten, switch, symmetrize, synchronize, tame, tender, tense, territorialize, thicken, think, tighten, tone down, touch, transaminate, transfigure, transform, transform, transform, transform, transform, transitivize, translate, transmute, transpose, turn, uglify, unclutter, uniformize, unite, unsanctify, unscramble, unsex, untie, untune, urbanize, urbanize, validate, variegate, vascularize, ventilate, verbify, vesiculate, visualize, vitalize, vitrify, vivify, volatilize, vulgarise, warm, weaken, weaponize, wet, widen, worsen


How to sign: insert words into texts, often falsifying it thereby

interpolate in ASL Watch how to sign interpolate in American Sign Language
interpolate - SMARTSign Dictionary
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interpolate in ASL Watch how to sign interpolate in American Sign Language
interpolate - SMARTSign Dictionary
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Similiar / Same: interpolate, falsify

Categories: edit, redact


How to sign: remove the ovaries of
"Is your cat spayed?";

spay in ASL Watch how to sign spay in American Sign Language
spay - SMARTSign Dictionary
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Similiar / Same: neuter, spay, castrate

Categories: desex, desexualise, desexualize, fix, sterilise, sterilize, unsex

Within this category: defeminize

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